On April 26, 2021, seven students of the Master Human Rights and Humanitarian Law of Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas submitted a third intervention to the United Nations Human Rights Committee. This intervention was made within the framework of the examination of four individual communications concerning Latin American countries (Nicaragua, Ecuador and Guatemala) on the subject of sexual violence against girls and forced pregnancies (communications n°3626/2019, n°3627/2019, n°3628/2019 and n°3629/2019).
This intervention was developed under the direction of Professor Olivier de Frouville and Ms. Victoria Bellami, PhD candidate at the CRDH. It is part of the work of the Human Rights Unit of the Assas International Law Clinic.
The intervention is confidential for the moment, as are all the documents submitted to the proceedings. However, you can consult the factsheet elaborated by the Center for Reproductive Rights, one of the legal representatives of the applicants, available in English and Spanish, detailing the context and facts of these cases.
The Human Rights Committee is competent to examine individual communications against States that have ratified the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. In the framework of this procedure, the Committee publishes on its website the cases registered in its list. The third party intervention procedure is governed by guidelines adopted by the Committee at its 127th session.