Le Conseil d’Orientation du C.R.D.H.
C.R.D.H.’s Advising Committee
The Orientation Council for the C.R.D.H. is an advisory board made up of members of both academia and legal professions that are specifically involved in M2DH (Master 2 Droit De L’homme et Droit Humanitaire) and the C.R.D.H.
● It contributes to the evaluation of needs, expectations and priorities of the C.R.D.H. at the national, european, and international levels.
● Its purpose is to foster a strategic vision for mid term development and strengthen both the professional training and applied research.
● It encourages the implementation of tangible group projects, especially under a ‘legal clinic’ or by using new communication technology.
● It facilitates partnership agreements with civil society actors and forgein universities, ensuring their overall integrity, all while respecting academic liberties.
The Orientation Council for the C.R.D.H. meets at least once a year and acts as a light and flexible tool to bring together participants. According to the agenda, there are many possibilities to include other participants, especially young researchers.
The Make Up:
University Level:
● Emmanuel Decaux: Professor at the Université Panthéon-Assas; President.
● Olivier de Frouville: Professor at the Université Panthéon-Assas; Director of the C.R.D.H.
● Sébastien Touzé: Professor at the Université Panthéon-Assas; Director of the Master 2 Droit De L’homme et Droit Humanitaire.
● Laurent Trigeaud: University lecturer at the Université Panthéon-Assas.
Research Associates:
● Mouloud Boumghar: Professor at the Université Jules Verne-Picardie; Director of the journal Droits fondamentaux.
● Julian Fernandez: Professor at the Université Panthéon-Assas; Director of the Centre Thucydide.
● Catherine Kessedjian: Professor at the Université Panthéon-Assas.
● Despina Sinou: Doctor of Law; Lecturer at the Université Paris 13.
Outside Persons:
● Me Vincent Berger: Senior legal scholar at the Cour Européenne des Droits de l’Homme.
● Antoine Bernard: General Director of the F.I.D.H.
● Charlotte Clavreul: Advisor for European and International Affairs, Office of the Defender of Rights.
● Philippe Leclerc: Representative of H.C.R. with France.
● Antoine Meyer: Institut Français des Droits de l’Homme.
● Bénédicte Pedone: Edition Pedone.
● Me Christopher Pettiti: Institut Francais des Droits de l’Homme du Barreau de Paris.
● Me François Roux: Head of the Office of Defense, Special tribunal for Lebanon.
● Me Patrice Spinosi: Lawyer at the D’Etat et à la Cour de cassation.
● Eric Tistounet: High Commissioner of the United Nations Human Rights.
Representatives of the C.R.D.H.: Humberto Cantu Rivera, Anna Glazewski, postgraduates.
General Secretary of the C.R.D.H.: Marine Bollack