The Research Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law within the Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II) was established in 1995 by the university deans, Mario Bettati and Gérard Cohen-Jonathan, in order to gather teacher researchers, PhD students, and associated researchers into a unique program dedicated to research in the domain of international human rights and humanitarian law.
Since 2014, the CRDH has been directed by Olivier de Frouville. Professor Sébastien Touzé is responsible for the Masters 2 program on human and humanitarian rights. Professor Emmanuel Decaux manages career advising and the PhD programs on International law, European law, International relations, and Comparative human rights.
The CRDH is one of the principal organizations of University Paris II’s international association, established in 2003, of which there is a rotating presidency (PIUP).
The Association of the Research Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (the A-CRDH) aims to bring together different generations of students in the Masters 2 program, as well as legal practitioners concerned with scientific activities relating to human rights.
The CRDH provides:
- Third-level education, with two Master degrees in human and humanitarian rights, one of which specializes in research, the other of which is a professional degree.
- The reception and documentation of research in a specialized library. The inventory of the collected research is in the university network, Sudoc, and developed in collaboration with the documents collected by IHEI.
- Facilitation of individual research for CRDH doctoral students.
- Fostering collective research through conferences, workshops, and research programs.
- The implementation of international networks and the fulfillment of contracts of study.
- In addition, the CRDH is dedicated to disseminating information in its field. It organizes conferences on current events, as well as develops informative audiovisual programs and applications in the French language.