The C.R.D.H. was created and directed by deans: Mario Bettati and Gérard Cohen-Jonathan between 1995 and 2003. From 2003-2014 Emmanuel Decaux directed the C.R.D.H. and since September of 2014, it is directed by professor Olivier de Frouville.
Olivier de Frouville is a professor of public rights at the Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II) and director of the C.R.D.H. He is also a member of the Institut Universitaire de France.
Alongside his university career, he has worked for more than twenty years as a human rights expert in the United Nations. On June 24, 2014 he was elected as a member of the United Nations Human Rights Committee by the Assembly of States section of the international pact on civil rights and politics. Between November 2008 and November 2014, he was a member, and qualified independent expert, of the United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. He was the Chairperson Rapporteur from April 2012 to October 2013. He was also a member of the Coordination Committee of UN Special Procedures in the year 2013-2014. Since 2009, he has been an expert appointed by France in the framework of the OSCE Human Dimension Moscow mechanism.
From August 2011 till August 2012, Olivier de Frouville has been a visiting fellow at the Lauterpacht Center for International Law and at Clare Hall, a college of Cambridge University (United Kingdom). In 2013, he was elected into lifetime membership of the College and regularly stays there for research purposes.
His research domains are: the theory of international law, international human rights law, and international criminal law.
As a part of the Institut Universitaire de France, he is conducting research devoted to democratic international law.
Head of the Master 2:
Sébastien Touzé is an associate professor of public law at the Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas. He is the author of multiple publications in international law as well as both international and european human rights law. He has taught at multiple universities in France and regularly teaches at foreign universities. In October of 2015, Sébastien Touzé was elected as a member of the Committee against Torture for the United Nations. In 2011, he was elected as Secretary-General of the Institut International des Droits de l’Homme. On January 28, 2016 he was elected Director of a new foundation for the Institution International des Droits de l’Homme, Foundation René Cassin. On January 1, 2017 he was nominated for the ethics officer of the Région Grand Est.
Editor and Chief of the Droits Fondamentaux:
Mouloud Boumghar is an associate professor of public law at the Université de Picardie-Jules Verne, member of the CURAPP (UMR 7319), and a member of the C.R.D.H. Since 2009, he is director of the electronic journal for the C.R.D.H. titled: Droits Fondamentaux. He is the author of many contributions in the spheres of international law, and both international and european human rights law. This includes Une approche de la notion de principe dans le système de la Convention européenne des droits de l’Homme, Paris, Pedone, 2010 and in partnership with Emmanuel Decaux, Les tendances récentes du droit des peuples à disposer d’eux-mêmes, to be published in 2015.
Chairman of the Board of Directors:
Professor at the Université Paris II, chairman of the board for the C.R.D.H. Emmanuel Decaux is also the director of the Doctoral School of International Law, European Law, International Relations and Comparative Law (l’Ecole doctorale de droit international, droit européen, relations internationales et droit comparé) at the Université Paris II since 2012. He was director of the CRDH and was responsible for the M2DH (Master 2 Droit De L’homme et Droit Humanitaire) from 2003-2014, over ten years.
He was reelected for a new four year term as a member of the United Nations Committee of Enforced Disappearances (2015-2019). He was president of the Committee since its creation in 2011 and was appointed as president of the 27th Meeting of the Presidents of Human Rights Treaty Bodies of the United Nations in 2015. Senior member of the sub-commission of Human Rights at the United Nations (deputy from 1994-2002 and tenured 2002-2007), he was a member of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee (2008-2011) and recorder of the drafting group of the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training.
Sitting on the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee since 1992, he was elected vice president from 2009 until 2012. He presides over a group of ‘international questions’ since 2012.
His last published works are: Droit international public, 9° édition, Dalloz, 2014 (with Olivier de Frouville), Les formes contemporaines de l’esclavage (course at the Académie de La Haye), Nijhoff, 2009; Les grands textes internationaux des droits de l’homme, La Documentation française, 2008. He was the leader of a public commentary called, Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, Economica, 2011.
Recent work:
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Gérard Cohen-Jonathan (1936-2014)
A distinguished professor at the Université Panthéon-Assas, honorary Dean at the Université de Strasbourg, Gérard Cohen-Jonathan was President of the International Institute for Human Rights, after his fifteen years as Secretary Generalof the French Society for International Law (la Société française pour le droit international (SFDI)).
Founder and first director of the CRDH died on May 21, 2014.
He was the author of many books and articles dedicated to international law and european human rights. Most notably: La Convention européenne des droits de l’homme (Economica, 1989), Aspects européens des droits fondamentaux (3e éd., 2002), two volumes of Mélanges which in 2004 was offered under the title of Libertés, Justice et Tolérance (Bruylant, 2004) for the special occasion of his retirement and in his honor.
Mario Bettati (1937-2017)
A distinguished professor at the Université Paris II, honorary dean of the Université Paris Sud, Mario Bettati was the author of many books and articles dedicated to international humanitarian law and the right of interference. Most notably: Le droit d’ingérence, Odile Jacob, 1996, La Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme (dir., with Olivier Duhamel and Laurent Greilsamer, Gallimard-Folio, 2nd ed, 2008), Le droit international de l’environnement, Odile Jacob.
Former vice president of the National Consultative Commission for Human Rights (la Commission nationale consultative des droits de l’homme (CNCDH)) and former member of the Commission of the International Public Service, he was the personal representative of the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Bernard Kouchner, just until 2010.
He died on March 23, 2017.