
Lines of Research


The CRDH is one of the most active organization in the Pôle international de Paris II, which unites university research centers  concerned with public and private international law and international relations.


The CRDH supports individual research, most notably for young researchers and PhD students– around 40 students prepare their doctoral thesis (dissertation).


The CRDH also facilitates collective research, particularly through arranging colloquia, conferences and workshops, participation in programs or international networks of exchange, and the implementation of a scientific workplace.


The principal axes of research for the CRDH cover:


  • International human rights law. he current approach to this study is too fragmented, often studying in bits and pieces and in a partial manner. Above all, this study is detached from reality. The study of human rights law must truly combine theoretical and practical understanding of the subject matter. The CRDH aims to promote a true understanding of the international stakes of human rights law, and leverage expertise and experience following the actions of the United Nations.
  • International penal law. Following both individual and collective carried out in this study, notably Olivier de Frouville’s manuel, Droit international pénal, a fresh addition to the collective work led by Hervé Ascensio, Emmanuel Decaux and Alain Pellet on Droit international pénal, and the Statut de Rome’s collective commentary following Pedone in 2012, the CRDH will concentrate on the question of forced disappearances. One component of this is to take stock of the work of the Groupe de travail created in 1980, in respect to both its general commentary and its thematic content. The other component is to study the new Convention internationale pour la protection des tous les personnes contre les disparitions forcées, which has been of particular importance and relevance as of 2010.  


  • European organizations and human rights, emphasizing current developments within the European Union, the Council of Europe and OSCE, and pursuing synergies with partner centers already established in Paris II, such as the Center of European Law (CDE) and the Thucydide Center.


Collective Commentary


The CRDH has published collective commentary:

  • Le Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, with a preface by Christine Chanet, Economica, 2010; head editor Fanny Martin.
  • Le Pacte international relatif aux droits économiques, sociaux et culturels, under the direction of Emmanuel DECAUX et d’Olivier DE SCHUTTER, prepared by Economica, head editor Laurent TRIGEAUD.
  • Le Statut de la Cour pénale internationale article par article, prepared under the direction of Julian Fernandez and Xavier Pacreau chez Pedone.


Current Chronicles


The CRDH team ensures the publication of current judicial chronicles, notably:

  • The annual chronicle « La jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme », with CREDHO, in the Journal du droit international (Clunet) since 1990.
  • « Activités de l’OSCE» in l’Annuaire de droit européen, since 2004.
  • The column « Mondialisation, multilatéralisme et gouvernance globale » in l’Annuaire français de relations internationales, since 2008.
  • The booklet Jurisclasseur Droit international dedicated to the « Conseil de l’Europe », by Emmanuel Decaux (fasc.155-A et 155-B, et Jurisclasseur de droit européen fasc. 6100 et 6110 ; 1989, revised and republished in 2005 and in 2010 with the assistance of Marina Eudes).