CRDH has established ongoing relations with many actors in the field of human rights, in the framework of international cooperation networks, notably with the Irish Cultural Center in Paris, the Irish Center for Human Rights, the University of Galway and the Interdisciplinary Center for Ethics and Human Rights in Freiburg through joint projects.
International Congress
CRDH teams have been closely involved with the organization and monitoring of the Nantes World Human Rights Forum since the 1st Forum in 2004.
A team from CRDH also participated in the organization of the 3rd World Congress Against the Death Penalty, which took place in Paris in February 2007, at the initiative of the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty.
Guests and Researchers
CRDH also hosts many visiting professors and foreign researchers. It also receives scholars from EGIDE. In October 2010, Ottavio Quirico stayed at the CRDH as part of a Marie Curie fellowship from the European Commission.
CRDH regularly receives personalities invited by the Center for Analysis and Forecasting (CAP) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. For example, the UN’s independent expert on minority issues, Gay McDOUGALL, was welcomed to the CRDH for a meeting with academics on Friday, September 21, 2007, at the start of her official visit in France.
CRDH Networks are structured around two main axes:
Francophone Networks
Within the framework of the International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF), the CRDH has prepared two series of reports for the Delegation for Peace, Democracy and Human Rights, as a contribution to the follow-up mission to the Declaration of Bamako by the Secretary General of the OIF:
Reports on the international commitments of French-speaking states in the field of human rights, in 2004, 2006 and 2008;
Report on international human security instruments in 2006 and 2008.
In 2009, the CRDH prepared a Practical Guide to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) for all stakeholders in “la Francophonie”.
Within the framework of the “Agence universitaire de la francophonie” (AUF), the CRDH cooperated with the University of Nantes for the scientific design and pedagogical supervision of a diploma in Fundamental Rights (DUDF). In 2009, the CRDH participated in the remodeling of the program, in the form of a Master 2 in International and European Fundamental Rights Law (DIEDF) at the University of Nantes.
The CRDH has also benefited from the financial support of AUF for the launch of the journal “Droits fondamentaux”.
As part of the French Institute for the Law of French Expression (IDEF), Professor DECAUX was the scientific director of the XXVIII Congress organized in the Senate in 2003 under the title Justice and Human Rights, published by Bruylant. CRDH researchers were also associated with the XXXth Cairo Congress of 2006 on Law and New Technologies.
European Networks
CRDH is one of the main components of the “Friborg Group” on cultural rights, led by Professor Patrice MEYER-BISCH, of the Interdisciplinary Institute of Ethics and Human Rights of the University of Friborg (Switzerland).
He has been part of various institutional networks of the European Union: Having participated as a founding member of the first Euro-Chinese university network for the ratification and implementation of the two international covenants on human rights, (2001- 2004) led by Professor William SCHABAS, Director of the Irish Center for Human Rights in Galway, the CRDH is part of the new network with the same partners that was relaunched in 2009.
Law Clinic
In the internal framework, CRDH has founded a legal clinic (Law clinic), with the Paris Bureau Human Rights Institute and CREDHO (Paris-Sud University), to develop the practice of “amicus curiae” before international courts and tribunals, including the European Court of Human Rights.
After a first intervention in 2004 in the Bosphorus affair and in the Makaratzis case, and the publication at Bruylant (Law and Justice Coll., N ° 84, 2009) of the proceedings of a conference devoted to Third-party intervention before the Court of Human Rights (Foreword by Emmanuel Decaux and Christophe Pettiti), the legal workshop submitted a brief as an amicus curiae in the Sergey Zolotukhin case against Russia in February 2008, after which a book was published by Bruylant under the direction of Michel Puechavy around the principle Non bis in idem. In 2012, the same Law Clinic met about the case.
Directory of Practice of United Nations Bodies
CRDH, requested by the Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations, has produced a report on the practice of the United Nations bodies on Article 14 of the Charter. The study, carried out by the delegated CRDH researcher, Mr Spyridon AKTYPIS, was well received by the Organization, which included the study in its official directory. This study is available online on the Organization‘s website.
Visiting Professors and Fellows
Professors invited under the M2
CRDH visiting fellows